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She loves spending time with her brother and often forgets her issues of Playgirl in his room. Sarah (younger sister) she is 18 years old and is a junior in high school, making jerking off her favorite activity. Red hair, c-cups, average weight, taller than Doug, 12 in. She comes home from college often, and is usually nice to her brother, whom she loves. Blonde hair, thin, under average height, 6 inch dick erect.Ĭrystal (older sister) she is 20 years old, almost 21 and is going to college. Sex is advertised more in the media, pg-13 now allows sex and nudity, and girl's bulges are more visible due to their massive sizesĭoug (you) is a 19 year old boy who goes to high school and lives with his mom and two sisters, his dad died shortly after his younger sister was born, he loves his family in a platonic way only and has never had sex before. The average size of a dick-girl's dicks being 10 to 15 inches erect, this means that both sexes have more testosterone making them more horny and therefor making sex a less taboo. This world is almost the same as ours except for the fact that girls have cocks bigger than guys.

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this means that every girl has a dick, balls, and a vagina.

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Futanari World is an alternate reality where every female is a futanari.

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